Construction photographs, articles about the Star 45. How To Build A Wooden Star45 R/C Sailing Model! Browse Based on the International Star Boat this semi-scale Star45 can be scratch built by novice or seasoned skipper. Easily radio controlled and large enough to see out on the water this is a classic model model built by hobbyists for over thirty years! Dave Mainwaring's Knowledge Network Blog
Star 45
Monday, November 13, 2006
S45 Construction radio tray as a built in component to the hull.
I am building a new boat and incorperating a few new ideas. One is to
include the radio tray as a built in component to the hull. I added two
1/16 plywood plates that are notched to fit into the frames. This
particular one is designed to hold one servo and a RMG winch. I will see
how this works out. The down side is going to be limited access, but the
up side is light weight and strength.
If there is interest I may build this up for other winch options.